House Design Idea House Design Idea House Design Idea House Design Idea House Design Idea House Design Idea House Design Idea House Design Idea House Design Idea House Design Idea



Appurato che affidarsi al legno al posto del rassicurante mattone è senz’altro una scommessa, resta da capire perché preferire i sistemi delle case in legno “fertighaus” rispetto alla costruzione in opera in cantiere.
Nell’opinione comune il prodotto “artigianale”, fatto a mano, è sinonimo di qualità, in contrasto con quello industriale, realizzato in serie in una catena di montaggio, freddo e impersonale.
Se pensiamo al settore alimentare questo può essere vero e certamente un dolce di pasticceria non è confrontabile con merendine o biscotti anche di marca.
case prefabbricate, case di legno, case in legnoTuttavia è necessario comprendere perché la scelta della prefabbricazione e come tale processo di produzione venga eseguito per comprendere come l’amore per la buona costruzione, il mestiere e la sapienza nell’uso del legno e dei materiali siano alla base della realizzazione delle case prefabbricate.
L’uomo e le macchine interagiscono per eliminare l’errore umano che porterebbe nel tempo a problemi strutturali e infiltrazioni di umidità, ma soprattutto ad ottimizzare l’efficienza energetica delle case prefabbricate. Infatti è sufficiente un piccolo punto debole nell’isolamento per vanificare di molto le capacità coibenti dell’edificio. La costruzione in legno “in opera” può rassicurare il cliente, ma appare poco ragionevole nell’ottica di ricercare il massimo del rendimento termico. Le imperfezioni sono inevitabili e non è possibile illudersi di ottenere lo stesso isolamento delle case prefabbricate. Oltre agli assemblaggi millimetrici assicurati dal processo automatizzato non vanno trascurati i successivi test di tenuta che possono rivelare eventuali discontinuità. Il tutto avviene ovviamente con un minuzioso controllo manuale. Le pareti delle case in legnoi escono dalla fabbrica pressoché finite, serramenti compresi, con la certezza che ogni abitazione sia identica qualitativamente alle altre.
Ecco spiegati i 30 anni di garanzia, che le aziende del settore delle case in legno possono esibire a cuor leggero, in chiaro contrasto con le incertezze del cantiere in opera, laterocemento o legno che sia, con grandi differenza qualitative tra una costruzione e l’altra. Lo scadimento generale dell’edilizia tradizionale, in particolare della manodopera, collegato al generale aumento dei prezzi dei materiali da costruzione ha ulteriormente abbassato il livello qualitativo medio dei nostri cantieri. La pre-costruzione delle case in legno è senz’altro una risposta importante alla necessità di convertire il settore dell’edilizia verso la sostenibilità ambientale e l’efficienza energetica in senso ampio.
Le case prefabbricate restano in ogni caso un concetto di costruzione che fatica a trovare spazio nel nostro paese, frenato da ostacoli culturali e da resistenze psicologiche solo in parte comprensibili. Non aiuta la posizione apertamente ostile alle case in legno della stragrande maggioranza degli operatori del settore in posizione dominante. Un apertura in tal senso è da ricercare in quei tecnici, giovani e preparati, che hanno scelto di abbracciare con passione la bioedilizia come scelta etico-professionale, case prefabbricate comprese.
A tale proposito resta valido il consiglio di farsi seguire nella realizzazione della propria casa ecologica da un architetto che possa condividere la scelta con noi di progettare con la necessaria competenza tecnica.

Minimalist And Contemporary Home Design

Contemporary living room photo gallery

A contemporary and minimalist design that creates an open space feel, comfort and relaxation, luxury accommodation is more comfortable than you expect because the feeling is created by maximizing spatial origin. With the Alabaster white walls provide atmosphere bright, high ceilings and large windows offering natural light and views of the page, which is the house we will be moving today.

Modern Living Room Interiors Ideas photo gallery

Setting Living Room For the Family Room

Living Room, Living Room Design
Living Room

In determining your family room should have a good concept, a symmetrical arrangement of formal impressed, try it with an asymmetrical arrangement might be more interesting.

Living Room, Living Room Design
Living Room



Non vi è il rischio di trovare in cantiere ditte sempre diverse, lavoratori in nero o subappalti non concordati preventivamente.
Le squadre di montatori di case in legno sono formate da personale esperto e qualificato, così come i materiali impiegati e gli impiantisti a cui viene affidata la realizzazione assicurano una realizzazione dell’edificio a regola d’arte.
Anche per questo motivo converrebbe optare per una soluzione "chiavi in mano", in cui tutti gli elementi dell’edificio siano forniti direttamente dalla ditta costruttrice di case prefabbricate o da fornitori collegati in sede di campionatura, che offrano prodotti e marchi affidabili e certificati.
case prefabbricate in legnoAvere un interlocutore unico, infine, semplificherà di molto il dialogo con il nostro tecnico progettista e con la ditta che dovrà realizzare le strutture di fondazione, a tutto vantaggio della chiarezza e della facilità di gestione del cantiere.
E’ anche chiaro che difficilmente potremmo pensare di gestire l’intero processo, dalla progettazione iniziale sino alla consegna delle chiavi, contando su di un unico interlocutore.
Sul mercato ci sono piccole ditte di case prefabbricate, che solitamente operano in un raggio locale, che offrono un servizio completo, affidandosi comunque a ditte esterne per la realizzazione della platea, della costruzione in legno vera e propria, per l’impiantistica e la finitura. Di fatto coordinano per voi tutte le ditte, redigono e presentano il progetto e le documentazioni per l’ottenimento delle concessioni edilizie, svincolando il più possibile il cliente da problematiche e facilitando i rapporti tra i vari soggetti.
Sembrerebbe davvero una buona soluzione, ma è corretto porre qualche lecito dubbio sugli effettivi vantaggi finali.
E’ inevitabile ad esempio che ci possano essere dei conflitti di interesse tra le varie figure, che porteranno il cliente a non essere tutelato in caso di eventuali problemi con uno qualsiasi dei soggetti coinvolti.
Per contenere i costi, solitamente, queste ditte di case in legno affidano alla costruzione ad aziende del legname esterne, quasi sempre dell’est Europa, non sempre con prodotti di prima scelta, anche se, e lo sottolineo, molte di esse sono competitive ed affidabili quanto i leader del settore più conosciuti.
Per concludere una soluzione che preveda un tecnico, una ditta tradizionale per le opere in cemento armato e una azienda di case prefabbricate appare ad oggi consigliabile nella maggior parte dei casi.
Si tratta comunque di una buona soluzione, in particolare se delimiteremo chiaramente le competenze di ciascuno, evitando di gestire in proprio i lavori di impiantistica e finitura.

Prevent Mold in Your New Green Home

Mold and mildew can not only cause structural problems in a home, they are the cause of many illnesses and allergies – making them one of your home’s worst enemies. Cleaning and getting rid of mold can be a very difficult, expensive, and time consuming project. If you’re building a new energy efficient home, an important consideration in its construction is controlling moisture to prevent mold and mildew buildup.

There are two types of moisture that can enter a home: bulk moisture and vapor moisture. Bulk moisture can get into a home around windows, doors, and leaks in the roof, as well as from condensation from pipes and ducts. Vapor moisture forms as a result of cooking, showering (yes, those long, hot showers), laundry, changes to the humidity level in the home, and just general living.

How do green homes manage moisture? A few ways are by having:

  • A well-designed floor plan and careful placement and orientation of the home on the lot to take advantage of solar access and shading;

  • Energy efficient insulation system to keep the house warm in winter and cool in summer which heps reduce condensation and mold growth;

  • Well-sealed, energy efficient windows and doors;

  • Good ventilation with heat recovery ventilation (HRV) units and extraction fans in the kitchen and bathrooms.

Moisture control starts with the green home design. Talk to an architect about your plans to build a healthy, energy efficient home for your family and build a new home that manages moisture and prevents mold!

Prevent Mold in Your New Green Home

Mold and mildew can not only cause structural problems in a home, they are the cause of many illnesses and allergies – making them one of your home’s worst enemies. Cleaning and getting rid of mold can be a very difficult, expensive, and time consuming project. If you’re building a new energy efficient home, an important consideration in its construction is controlling moisture to prevent mold and mildew buildup.

There are two types of moisture that can enter a home: bulk moisture and vapor moisture. Bulk moisture can get into a home around windows, doors, and leaks in the roof, as well as from condensation from pipes and ducts. Vapor moisture forms as a result of cooking, showering (yes, those long, hot showers), laundry, changes to the humidity level in the home, and just general living.

How do green homes manage moisture? A few ways are by having:

  • A well-designed floor plan and careful placement and orientation of the home on the lot to take advantage of solar access and shading;

  • Energy efficient insulation system to keep the house warm in winter and cool in summer which heps reduce condensation and mold growth;

  • Well-sealed, energy efficient windows and doors;

  • Good ventilation with heat recovery ventilation (HRV) units and extraction fans in the kitchen and bathrooms.

Moisture control starts with the green home design. Talk to an architect about your plans to build a healthy, energy efficient home for your family and build a new home that manages moisture and prevents mold!

Invigorating Colour Combinations - Sublime Lime And Fuchsia Pink!

Just because autumn is upon us and the Indian summer has disappeared altogether you can still inject vibrancy and wonderful colour combinations within your home to cheer you up throughout the year!

Colour clashing remain in-trend within the world of interior design. Meaning even those who have what used to be perceived as lack of colour sense, can let their imaginations run wild and mix colours which clash to create stunning and inspiring interiors!

Lime and fuchsia pink are great examples of how two striking colours can look harmonious sitting side by side. The key is to use then in nearly equal proportions so that one colour doesn't grab all the attention! Ready made curtains swept open and held in place with matching tie backs are a great way of creating a frame to a picture, piece of wall art or highlight a display area.

Think theatrical! To create great focal points within your living space, remember ready made curtains don't have to be solely used as window dressings they make the ideal frame to your 'theatre' as well as being a simple way to divide rooms and even conceal untidy alcoves, let the colours scream out your personality!

Image: Belle Maison



Il corpo umano scambia continuamente energia con l’ambiente attraverso le modalità di irraggiamento, convenzione, conduzione ed evaporazione, ed è in grado di adattare naturalmente il proprio livello di comfort alle escursioni termiche giornaliere ed alle temperature prevalenti. Il confort termo-igrometrico non deriva pertanto dalla sola temperatura dell’aria bensì da una serie di fattori.
Le case prefabbricate forniscono alti livelli di benessere termo-igrometrico ai propri occupanti, grazie alla proprietà del legno di regolare naturalmente il livello di umidità dell’aria degli ambienti. Esse riescono a conservare eccellenti condizioni di confort in tutte le stagioni, grazie alla capacità del legno di assorbire l’umidità in eccesso o rilasciarla in condizioni di secchezza, senza la necessità di ricorrere ad ausili impiantistici di sorta.
case prefabbricateIl legno è un materiale caldo ed un pessimo conduttore di calore, ragione per cui nelle case prefabbricate non si verifica il fenomeno della condensa sui muri dovuto ai ponti termici negli edifici con struttura in cemento armato non isolata, principale causa di muffe e funghi negli ambienti chiusi.
L’alto isolamento delle case prefabbricate permette di ridurre il ricorso all’impiantistica per la regolazione climatica indoor nelle varie stagioni. Nelle case tradizionali il comfort termico viene raggiunto attraverso sistemi attivi di riscaldamento e raffrescamento il cui effetto sull’organismo risulta globalmente poco salutare rispetto ad una termoregolazione passiva e naturale, oltre che dispendiosi e poco efficienti sotto il profilo energetico e della sostenibilità ambientale.
Questi impianti tendono infatti a conservare condizioni di temperatura costanti, a prescindere dalle oscillazioni climatiche esterne. Le case prefabbricate prevedono un minimo utilizzo di questi dispositivi, attribuendo all’involucro dell’edificio il compito di isolare gli ambienti dall’esterno, permettendo di dimensionare al minimo gli impianti di climatizzazione estiva ed invernale per i picchi termici di freddo e caldo.
Una casa in legno a risparmio energetico diverrà garanzia di un piacevole microclima interno, perché i movimenti dell’aria saranno a circolazione naturale, limitati e non forzati dalla presenza di zone calde e zone fredde. Raffreddori, mal di gola, o, peggio ancora, bronchiti, polmoniti e infezioni batteriche dovuti a correnti d’aria fredda e a repentini sbalzi termici sono spesso causati dall’impiantistica stessa, in particolare dall’eccesso di aria condizionata. Una casa in legno richiede un minimo fabbisogno di riscaldamento invernale e non necessita dell’installazione di un impianto di condizionamento estivo, con vantaggi economici ed igienici.
Anche il benessere olfattivo viene assicurato nelle case prefabbricate attraverso una corretta ed efficace ventilazione, sia naturale, grazie alla buona traspirabilità delle superfici, che meccanica, qualora venga installato un apposito impianto di ricambio dell’aria.
Le case prefabbricate in legno migliorano così la qualità dell’aria, preservando la salute degli occupanti.
La costruzione ecologica delle case prefabbricate non prevede inoltre l’utilizzo di vernici e materiali da costruzione e di finitura che rilascino esalazioni tossiche.

Create Clean, Straight Lines Using Matching Curtain Poles

If you have the advantage of having a large dining area maximising the amount of natural light during the day by using sheer curtains creates a striking and informal ambiance to the area.

Having full length sheer curtains which cover two walls will also create the illusion of more space, along with clean lines and chic styles which suit both modern and contemporary homes effortlessly.

Using curtains poles which fit neatly into the corners of the room also provide a style which is well thought out, bringing cohesion to the area. White or ivory sheer curtains such as voiles or faux silk add a touch of contrast against the robust and durable practicalities of a dining room furniture. This juxtaposition enables the curtains to be hung from dark coloured curtain poles to compliment the colour of the the dining suite beautifully and elegantly.

Try mixing sheer lightweight fabrics with chunky furniture to create stunning interiors which have a eclectic mix of textures to add depth with harmony to your dining room. Using full length curtains will also add height to a room as well as being the perfect solution for dressing patio or French doors which are typically found in dinning rooms of traditionally styled homes.

Image: A Life's Design

AIA Architects: Billings Index Sending Positive Signals

A new press release generated by the American Institute of Architects reports a positive change in the number of inquiries for possible new projects, calling this “an early signal towards a recovery for the design and construction industry”.

The AIA uses its Architecture Billings Index (ABI), a leading economic indicator that provides an approximate nine to twelve month lag time between architecture billings and construction spending, as a means of gauging an increase or demand for design services.

The October ABI new projects inquiry score was 58.5, following the 59.1 mark in September (any score above 50 indicates an increase). The October ABI rating was 46.1, up sharply from 43.1 in September. This score, however, indicates a continued decline in demand for design services and the AIA remains cautious, saying “it is far too early to think we are out of the woods.”

Using our very accurate BA&A index, we can report a significant increase in new project inquiries for new home construction and green building, especially from people building in Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire.

If you are thinking about building an energy efficient home, visit our website to learn about our Design Services and Architectural Fees (yes, our fees are listed on our website!).

AIA Architects: Billings Index Sending Positive Signals

A new press release generated by the American Institute of Architects reports a positive change in the number of inquiries for possible new projects, calling this “an early signal towards a recovery for the design and construction industry”.

The AIA uses its Architecture Billings Index (ABI), a leading economic indicator that provides an approximate nine to twelve month lag time between architecture billings and construction spending, as a means of gauging an increase or demand for design services.

The October ABI new projects inquiry score was 58.5, following the 59.1 mark in September (any score above 50 indicates an increase). The October ABI rating was 46.1, up sharply from 43.1 in September. This score, however, indicates a continued decline in demand for design services and the AIA remains cautious, saying “it is far too early to think we are out of the woods.”

Using our very accurate BA&A index, we can report a significant increase in new project inquiries for new home construction and green building, especially from people building in Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire.

If you are thinking about building an energy efficient home, visit our website to learn about our Design Services and Architectural Fees (yes, our fees are listed on our website!).

Black Venetian Blinds Provide Style And Impact To Modern Interiors

Metal Venetian blinds have been available for years with many people being more used to seeing them in offices than people's homes. However, their versatility and practicality has made them a very popular window dressing in all styles of homes.

Recent manufacturing concepts means that the clanking, noisy Venetian blinds are a thing of the past, smooth operating systems and a diversity of different colours provides a chic and stylish window dressing either when used on their own or in conjunction with ready made curtains.

Black Venetian blinds provides an understated impact to a window and it the perfect choice for creating contemporary monochromatic colour schemes.

If privacy is high on your interior design agenda than Venetian blinds tick all the right boxes! Enabling you to have complete control over the amount of light entering your room, along with ability to tilt the blinds to provide complete privacy from prying eyes without restricting natural light. If you don't have passers-by looking in then you cab simply pull up the blinds to your desired height to provide maximum light along with chic interior styling! Angle the louvres upwards and it is possible to bounce the natural light off of a white ceiling back down into the room.

Image: Little French Nest Blog

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Are You Prepared For Potential Floods?

According to UKCIP (UK Climate impact Programme) 'In the next 25 years, 80,000 homes could be affected by flooding..'

With many homes and their occupants already experienced the devastation flood waters can do to homes, there are some useful tips which may help to lessen the blow should your home be affected this winter.

Always follow instructions given by the emergency services.

Check whether your house is liable to flooding. This may sound rather daft, however, just because you haven't been affected before there is no telling whether you may be in the future, so checking is wise so that you can be prepared for a worst case scenario.

Check weather forecasts and flood alerts to begin moving as many of your possessions as you can upstairs if you live in a two or more storey house. If you live in a ground floor flat or a bungalow ask friends and family to take care of your belongs for you. Many things you may be able to replace, however, treasured photographs and mementos are irreplaceable.

If you have floor length curtains it would be wise to take them down, otherwise they can act in the same way as a wick and soak the water upwards. Replace the curtains with inexpensive aluminium Venetian blinds so that you still have privacy both day and night.

Above all else remember not to take any risks which could endanger your own or others lives.

Image: Living Art and Interiors Blogspot

Home Builders Applaud Congress on Extending Home Buyer Tax Credit

November 5, 2009 - The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) today applauded Congress for passing legislation that will extend and expand the $8,000 first-time home buyer tax credit, stating that this will provide a much-needed boost to the fragile housing market and economy.

“We commend lawmakers for acting in a bipartisan manner to extend the first-time home buyer tax credit beyond its Nov. 30 deadline and expand it to a wider group of home buyers,” said NAHB Chairman Joe Robson, a home builder from Tulsa, Okla. “The tax credit has proven to be a powerful economic incentive. Today’s action by Congress will further stabilize housing and the economy by creating new jobs, stimulating home sales, reducing foreclosures, cutting excess inventories and stabilizing home prices.”

The new law will extend the $8,000 credit for first-time home buyers for sales contracts entered into by April 30, 2010 and closed by June 30. Further, it has been expanded to include a new $6,500 credit for owners of existing homes who are purchasing a new home as a principal residence. An existing home owner can claim the $6,500 tax credit if they have been residing in their principal residence for five consecutive years out of the last eight. Additionally, the income eligibility limits to claim the full credit amount for both groups of home buyers have been raised to $125,000 for individuals and $225,000 for married couples.

NAHB estimates that the extended and expanded home buyer tax credit will create 211,000 jobs and generate 180,000 additional home sales in the coming year. It is also expected to generate $9.6 billion in wage income and $6.9 billion in federal, state and local taxes.

The legislation, which also extends unemployment insurance benefits and offers relief to cash-strapped firms by providing broader tax benefits for businesses with net operating losses (NOLs), is expected to be signed into law shortly by President Obama.

“The new NOL rules will throw a lifeline to struggling businesses, allowing them to continue making payrolls, paying business loans and otherwise keep their doors open until the economic recovery takes hold,” said Robson.


Home Builders Applaud Congress on Extending Home Buyer Tax Credit

November 5, 2009 - The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) today applauded Congress for passing legislation that will extend and expand the $8,000 first-time home buyer tax credit, stating that this will provide a much-needed boost to the fragile housing market and economy.

“We commend lawmakers for acting in a bipartisan manner to extend the first-time home buyer tax credit beyond its Nov. 30 deadline and expand it to a wider group of home buyers,” said NAHB Chairman Joe Robson, a home builder from Tulsa, Okla. “The tax credit has proven to be a powerful economic incentive. Today’s action by Congress will further stabilize housing and the economy by creating new jobs, stimulating home sales, reducing foreclosures, cutting excess inventories and stabilizing home prices.”

The new law will extend the $8,000 credit for first-time home buyers for sales contracts entered into by April 30, 2010 and closed by June 30. Further, it has been expanded to include a new $6,500 credit for owners of existing homes who are purchasing a new home as a principal residence. An existing home owner can claim the $6,500 tax credit if they have been residing in their principal residence for five consecutive years out of the last eight. Additionally, the income eligibility limits to claim the full credit amount for both groups of home buyers have been raised to $125,000 for individuals and $225,000 for married couples.

NAHB estimates that the extended and expanded home buyer tax credit will create 211,000 jobs and generate 180,000 additional home sales in the coming year. It is also expected to generate $9.6 billion in wage income and $6.9 billion in federal, state and local taxes.

The legislation, which also extends unemployment insurance benefits and offers relief to cash-strapped firms by providing broader tax benefits for businesses with net operating losses (NOLs), is expected to be signed into law shortly by President Obama.

“The new NOL rules will throw a lifeline to struggling businesses, allowing them to continue making payrolls, paying business loans and otherwise keep their doors open until the economic recovery takes hold,” said Robson.


Home Design Specific to Your Location

Building in different localities means addressing issues specific to your site location. Here are some design issues to consider when building a home…

On a mountaintop:
Terrain and slope
Solar gain
Prevailing winds

On a lake:
Solar gain
Comprehensive Shoreland Protection Act or applicable guidelines and restrictions

In the suburbs:
Solar gain and shading
Architectural Review Board guidelines and regulations

One of our clients is building an energy efficient home on top of a mountain in southwestern New Hampshire (Jaffrey). The 73-acre property faces east and runs from hilltop to the bottom with a fantastic 180-degree view from Mt. Monadnock due north, to Temple, Kidder, and Barrett Mountains to the east, to Mt. Watatic and even Wachusett to the south.

The terrain where the house will be sited is fairly level, which will save money in excavation costs.

The home will be situated with the main living areas (living room and master bedroom) facing east and south. The majority of windows is located on these elevations to take advantage of the fantastic views. Our clients will incorporate solar hot water and geothermal heating systems and are considering using a wind turbine to generate electricity. Click on the link for more photos and the floor plan for this energy efficient one-story house.

Home Design Specific to Your Location

Building in different localities means addressing issues specific to your site location. Here are some design issues to consider when building a home…

On a mountaintop:
Terrain and slope
Solar gain
Prevailing winds

On a lake:
Solar gain
Comprehensive Shoreland Protection Act or applicable guidelines and restrictions

In the suburbs:
Solar gain and shading
Architectural Review Board guidelines and regulations

One of our clients is building an energy efficient home on top of a mountain in southwestern New Hampshire (Jaffrey). The 73-acre property faces east and runs from hilltop to the bottom with a fantastic 180-degree view from Mt. Monadnock due north, to Temple, Kidder, and Barrett Mountains to the east, to Mt. Watatic and even Wachusett to the south.

The terrain where the house will be sited is fairly level, which will save money in excavation costs.

The home will be situated with the main living areas (living room and master bedroom) facing east and south. The majority of windows is located on these elevations to take advantage of the fantastic views. Our clients will incorporate solar hot water and geothermal heating systems and are considering using a wind turbine to generate electricity. Click on the link for more photos and the floor plan for this energy efficient one-story house.

Tickled Pink In The Bedroom!

Pink, love or loathe it? Whichever your stance it remains one of the most popular colour schemes for girl's bedrooms! Maybe it associate with Barbie or just because of the stereotypical colour associated with girls!

Throughout the world all shades of pink are used to create 'girlie' bedrooms! It's a timeless classic which can be used in all styles and designs of homes. Typically teamed with white walls and ceilings for a fairy tale princess look for young girls, pink bedrooms can be re-vamped cost effectively for teenage girls by coordinating black for a dramatic statement look or transformed into gorgeous sensuous places when combined with orange, lilac or indigo blues.

Think of the orangey pink glow as the sunsets to create bedrooms which are warm and inviting. Add embroidered or beautifully embellished duvet sets to bring a pink bedroom right up to date in the world of interior design. Add boudoir style cushions, boa feathers along with beaded chandeliers and pink bedrooms can become far more inviting than you may think!

For a spring-time fresh look team fuchsia pink with apple green for an exciting and vibrant appearance which is crisp and clean to liven up a dark and dreary room.

Next time you think 'pink', step outside the stereotypical box and be inspired with a colour which is available in a wide palette of different shades to invigorate your home beautifully.

Image: My Notting Hill Blog

Designing & Building a Custom Home: Free Seminar November 21, 2009

Join us for our next free seminar on Designing and Building a Custom Home!

Seminar topics include:

Property: What to look for when buying land

Custom home design: The steps involved in designing your home and energy efficient options, including Energy Star certification

Building a home: Selecting the builder best suited for your custom home

PLUS, walk the Granite Ridge view lots located in the Prospect Hill Development (picture below), Georges Mills / Lake Sunapee, NH with Green Architect Jeremy Bonin and Realtor Dan O'Halloran after the seminar.

Saturday, November 21, 2009
10:00 AM - Noon

Bonin Architects & Associates Office
209 Main Street
New London, NH 03257

This informative event is perfect for anyone looking for land or has recently purchased land and is interested in building an energy efficient custom home.

Registration is required - seating is limited! For more information and to register online, click here.

Designing & Building a Custom Home: Free Seminar November 21, 2009

Join us for our next free seminar on Designing and Building a Custom Home!

Seminar topics include:

Property: What to look for when buying land

Custom home design: The steps involved in designing your home and energy efficient options, including Energy Star certification

Building a home: Selecting the builder best suited for your custom home

PLUS, walk the Granite Ridge view lots located in the Prospect Hill Development (picture below), Georges Mills / Lake Sunapee, NH with Green Architect Jeremy Bonin and Realtor Dan O'Halloran after the seminar.

Saturday, November 21, 2009
10:00 AM - Noon

Bonin Architects & Associates Office
209 Main Street
New London, NH 03257

This informative event is perfect for anyone looking for land or has recently purchased land and is interested in building an energy efficient custom home.

Registration is required - seating is limited! For more information and to register online, click here.

Remember, Remember The 5th of November!

I have to openly admit that I am a pyrotechnic lover! Yes, I am one of those who 'ohhs' and 'ahhs' every-time the night sky is lit up! Of course today is bonfire night in the UK, a day dedicated to remembering the plot, treason and attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament!

Of course now-a-days fireworks are used to celebrate just about everything and every occasion across the globe. Bringing the vibrancy and magical qualities of the patterns fireworks produce into your home is a great way to inject some zing into your home. Of course you could use photographs of actual exploding fireworks or create your own wall art, alternatively you could look out for fabrics which have been inspired by pyrotechnics and use them as curtains, cushions and duvet sets. Beautifully designed lighting in vases is yet another way of adding wonderful lighting effects in your home which are reminiscent of the trails of light left behind by fireworks!

If you're not into making your own soft furnishings there are some wonderful vibrant patterns and colours on the 'ready made' shelves of many high street and online retailers. The key in creating the illusion of fireworks is to have a black, night sky, back ground with vibrant contrasting patterns. Beaded embellishments will add the glittery sparkle beautifully!

Image: MocoLoco

Architectural Firm Open House Success

We celebrated the Grand Opening of our new architectural firm office in New London, New Hampshire last week. What a great turnout! We had over 70 business owners, residents, and Chamber of Commerce members here - and for quite a while there wasn't room to move! Thank you to all of our old friends who came to congratulate us and to all of the new friends who came to introduce yourselves and learn about our architectural services.

Yankee Communications was also on hand for the festivities and grabbed our Principal Architect Jeremy Bonin for an interview which will appear on Kearsarge Valley Magazine in the next couple of weeks (watch for a blog post!).

Our neighbors in Baynham's Square (Ellie's Cafe & Deli, Vessels & Jewels, and The Banks Gallery) also held open houses that night and visitors were able to visit all of the Square's businesses. Hot hors d'ouevres were provided by Ellie's Cafe and we concluded the evening by sharing a cake decorated for the occasion.

If you didn't get a chance to come to the grand celebration, please stop by anytime to say hello!

Architectural Firm Open House Success

We celebrated the Grand Opening of our new architectural firm office in New London, New Hampshire last week. What a great turnout! We had over 70 business owners, residents, and Chamber of Commerce members here - and for quite a while there wasn't room to move! Thank you to all of our old friends who came to congratulate us and to all of the new friends who came to introduce yourselves and learn about our architectural services.

Yankee Communications was also on hand for the festivities and grabbed our Principal Architect Jeremy Bonin for an interview which will appear on Kearsarge Valley Magazine in the next couple of weeks (watch for a blog post!).

Our neighbors in Baynham's Square (Ellie's Cafe & Deli, Vessels & Jewels, and The Banks Gallery) also held open houses that night and visitors were able to visit all of the Square's businesses. Hot hors d'ouevres were provided by Ellie's Cafe and we concluded the evening by sharing a cake decorated for the occasion.

If you didn't get a chance to come to the grand celebration, please stop by anytime to say hello!

Sleek Venetian Blinds To Compliment Kitchens Perfectly

Don't be a slave to your kitchen! Rather than rushing around like a maniac when waiting for a cake to bake, simply take it easy in relax in a kitchen which has been designed to suit modern living styles impeccably!

I'm not sure if bright candy pink would be my colour choice or the arm chairs, but I do like the area which has been designated to relaxation within a kitchen. This beautiful sunny window has the ideal window covering for kitchens; humble Venetian blinds have seen a recent revival within many kitchen interior designs. Easy to install and practical, you can see just how versatile they are. Enabling you to have complete control over the amount of natural sunlight entering the room, when used at windows of all shapes of sizes you can have them pulled up at different levels to give a very chic and stylish look which is both practical and affordable.

Opt for a neutral colour such as the latest in-trend graphite or steal colours as these compliment all colour schemes effortlessly, particularly in kitchens to coordinate with steel accessories, stainless steel sinks and cupboard handles.

Sleek, shiny and spotlessly clean kitchens don't have to be places in which you are slave to the sink or cooker, take time to relax whilst you fill your home with mouthwatering smells of homemade bread and cakes!

Image: AtticMag